thanks go to the following: Will Jaffe, Banning Lary, Donna and Diane
Deming, Helen and Steve Heater, Donna Miller, Cory Hattem and Sara Brandt, Manny's Music, Manny's Car
Wash, Wayne at Sweetwater Sound, Ruth Cove, the folks at MOTU
(especially Magic Dave), The Tree, West Village Houses, Al Milburn,
Avalon Design, Chin, Alex Frasse, Mike Gallagher, Jon Hersh, Vinny (for paying up on
that bet) Disc Makers, John Cuniberti, Gregg and Lynn Schnitzer, Paul
Liberatore, Queen Jane, Joe Buchwald, Marty Balin, Tom Edwards, Mike
Bloomfield, Garland, the old gang at Spagnoli Ranch, Dino Valenti,
Norman Dayron, The North Hi-Mount gang, Jack and Angelique, and Spleeno -
for always being there.